First Post
This is the initial posting from the cookie queen. I'm a clinic manager for a large healthcare organization, but deep down, I want to start a cookie company with a friend. Since my husband and I have a son and my husband's union has crappy benefits, I have to be the responsible one and have a job with health and dental. But someday......
My parents bought a house in Arizona last year and they decided to go early this year. They arrived today and I thought it would be nice to start a blog so they could see new pictures of their grandson (Conner) on a regular basis.
On a political note, I was listening to Ring of Fire on Air America this evening - usually, I enjoy listening to Air America, but tonight I was slightly irritated by a comment they made regarding thimerisol. It's a preservative used in immunizations and the comment was related to it causing long-term damage to kids. I work with pediatricians and there have been no studies that prove this preservative causes autism. Now I'm about as liberal as you can get, but it irritates me when people make claims that are not backed by science.
The picture below is from a trip to the Dells with our friends. Conner was obviously VERY tired and we are obviously VERY bad parents to mess with our child in this way. Oh well, he can talk about it with his auntie Jen the therapist someday.
My parents bought a house in Arizona last year and they decided to go early this year. They arrived today and I thought it would be nice to start a blog so they could see new pictures of their grandson (Conner) on a regular basis.
On a political note, I was listening to Ring of Fire on Air America this evening - usually, I enjoy listening to Air America, but tonight I was slightly irritated by a comment they made regarding thimerisol. It's a preservative used in immunizations and the comment was related to it causing long-term damage to kids. I work with pediatricians and there have been no studies that prove this preservative causes autism. Now I'm about as liberal as you can get, but it irritates me when people make claims that are not backed by science.
The picture below is from a trip to the Dells with our friends. Conner was obviously VERY tired and we are obviously VERY bad parents to mess with our child in this way. Oh well, he can talk about it with his auntie Jen the therapist someday.

At 8:13 AM,
LissyJo said…
Wow! What a great blog! Great pics of Conner! Using way too many exclamation marks!
I agree with you about the immunization thing. I've been spending lots of time with other moms and babies and hear the concerns about immunizations. Yes, i'm liberal, but i'm also a nurse and i believe in public health initiatives!
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cookie Queenie -
You are so full of dough! Just kidding. Great blog--great point on the thimerosol (sp?) thing. I'm right in the middle of the political spectrum, and agree with you as well.
Keep up the cute pics of Conner!
Rubber Duckie
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