Friday night
We had free showtime over the weekend, so Friday night we watched Supersize Me and Farenheit 9/11. Both were very good and definitely made us think. Supersize Me even made my McDonalds loving husband think a little about his eating habits. It made me happy that I am doing weight watchers at work (scale today said 19 pounds down!) and showed that I need to try to be even healthier. No, LissyJo, I will NOT give up meat! :-) Besides, Dan would divorce me. Truly. There is one part of the movie that really scared us - when they show the kids in elementary school trying to identify pictures of people and the kids in the high school classroom trying to answer the question, what is a calorie. Holy smokes, did those kids look dumb! Dan and I looked at each other and said - we need to send Conner to private school, otherwise he'll be trying to fit in with these yahoos! Now I know that is a sweeping generalization, but it was frightening!
Fareheit 9/11 just reaffirmed our hatred for the Bush administration and confirmed how incredibly corrupt ad stupid they are. And if the men in black suits come to take us all away after this post, you'll know why. I don't even know where to start with that movie - except that I recall someone saying they didn't like it because Michael Moore was surprising them with the questions. Well, I only saw one instance of that - with the senators & reps in DC. And did my eyes deceive me or was that Mark Kennedy in one of the shots? What a wienie. And who wanted to punch the woman who was saying the monument to the dead Iraq was staged? Remember, when the mom whose son had died over there was in DC and talking to the Iraqi woman? Go back to your nice little suburban house and your gas-guzzling SUV and stick your head back in the sand, honey. Obviously, you had a brain the size of a pea and wouldn't understand it all anyway. Whew-can you tell it totally pissed me off?
Dan was, of course, very upset by the whole thing as well, but for additional reasons dealing with his time in the first gulf war. We both had trouble sleeping that night, which, I assume, was the whole point,to make us think.
Fareheit 9/11 just reaffirmed our hatred for the Bush administration and confirmed how incredibly corrupt ad stupid they are. And if the men in black suits come to take us all away after this post, you'll know why. I don't even know where to start with that movie - except that I recall someone saying they didn't like it because Michael Moore was surprising them with the questions. Well, I only saw one instance of that - with the senators & reps in DC. And did my eyes deceive me or was that Mark Kennedy in one of the shots? What a wienie. And who wanted to punch the woman who was saying the monument to the dead Iraq was staged? Remember, when the mom whose son had died over there was in DC and talking to the Iraqi woman? Go back to your nice little suburban house and your gas-guzzling SUV and stick your head back in the sand, honey. Obviously, you had a brain the size of a pea and wouldn't understand it all anyway. Whew-can you tell it totally pissed me off?
Dan was, of course, very upset by the whole thing as well, but for additional reasons dealing with his time in the first gulf war. We both had trouble sleeping that night, which, I assume, was the whole point,to make us think.
At 9:00 AM,
LissyJo said…
Whew--watching those two movies in one sitting might just be a bit much!! I used to hang out with a teenager from minnetonka who ate 2 bags of cheetos and a plate of french fries **every day** for lunch. I also had a tour of the new monti high school by mr. b a couple years ago and he was *so proud* of the fancy high school sign that was paid for by pepsi!! It made me feel dirty.
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