A short vacation - thank goodness!
I'm very excited - I now have 4 days off from work (sigh), which means some time to regroup and not have to listen to constant talking at work. Damn that open door policy of mine anyway! It can be really annoying when you are actually trying to get work done and people stop by every few minutes to chat, complain, tell me something is broken, or my personal favorite - the salespeople who just "stop by" to see if you are busy.
Although there is one funny story from one such interruption this week - one of the newer providers to the clinic, Dr. Jason, as Scooter and Poo-Tee-Weet know him, stopped by to say we really need an auto door opener for our doors leading into and out of the lobby. I assured him that I was aware of this need, but unfortunately, money is tight and we didn't have enough to do it this year (see yesterday's Star Trib business section for the woes of healthcare organizations). He then came up with the idea to hire a bellman (with one of those funny hats) to stand at the door and open it for folks. I suggested a monkey in a little hat, thinking this would be cheaper - no salary, just bananas. He ran with that and thought we could actually make money on the deal by sending him out to work kids' birthday parties. I have to say, some of the folks I work with are certainly good humor!
Although there is one funny story from one such interruption this week - one of the newer providers to the clinic, Dr. Jason, as Scooter and Poo-Tee-Weet know him, stopped by to say we really need an auto door opener for our doors leading into and out of the lobby. I assured him that I was aware of this need, but unfortunately, money is tight and we didn't have enough to do it this year (see yesterday's Star Trib business section for the woes of healthcare organizations). He then came up with the idea to hire a bellman (with one of those funny hats) to stand at the door and open it for folks. I suggested a monkey in a little hat, thinking this would be cheaper - no salary, just bananas. He ran with that and thought we could actually make money on the deal by sending him out to work kids' birthday parties. I have to say, some of the folks I work with are certainly good humor!
At 12:04 PM,
LissyJo said…
It would be the first monkey employee at fairview....i like it! Let me know if you do that because i'd switch clinics just for the monkey.
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