Eye Doctor
I went to the eye doctor this afternoon - hadn't been in 2 years, only went because I'm starting to run low on contacts and my script is expired. I went to an optometrist in Eagan - mainly because our insurance plan pays 80/20 for eye exams and I could pay less out of pocket seeing the optometrist. I have to say, I was quite impressed - it was the Yankee Eye Clinic on Duckwood Drive - I always get a little concerned going into a strip mall clinic, but they were very professional, did a ton of tests, and were quite speedy. AND heck - I could have gone next door to buy a gift basket, had the urge struck me. What more could I ask for?
My biggest concern was the glaucoma test. My grandmother had glaucoma, so I always want to be sure my eyes are in good shape. Well, as good as they can be, considering I'm blind as a bat! They have a new test for glaucoma - some fancy scan that will take a photo of your eye and allow the doc to REALLY see what's going on in there. It's $35 and insurance doesn't pay. When you sign in, they have you sign something that says you either want the test or you want to talk with the doc more about it. Initially, I was against it, but then thought to myself - if I have the drops, I'll have to wait around until they go into effect and then I won't be able to see well for hours. I have errands to run, so the extra time and ability to see may be worth $35. I had this long argument with myself during the entire visit and then he never even brought it up. They did the air test (think Rachel on Friends - it made me smile) and he did lots of peeking at my eyes - and said everything looked fine, so I didn't need the other glaucoma tests. So all that rationalizing for nothing! What a waste of good brain time.
I amazed my husband by then running 5 errands in an hour and still getting to pick up our son on time. He's one of those folks that just doesn't multi-task well - he does one job at a time and granted, he does it well, but it still drives me crazy some days.
My biggest concern was the glaucoma test. My grandmother had glaucoma, so I always want to be sure my eyes are in good shape. Well, as good as they can be, considering I'm blind as a bat! They have a new test for glaucoma - some fancy scan that will take a photo of your eye and allow the doc to REALLY see what's going on in there. It's $35 and insurance doesn't pay. When you sign in, they have you sign something that says you either want the test or you want to talk with the doc more about it. Initially, I was against it, but then thought to myself - if I have the drops, I'll have to wait around until they go into effect and then I won't be able to see well for hours. I have errands to run, so the extra time and ability to see may be worth $35. I had this long argument with myself during the entire visit and then he never even brought it up. They did the air test (think Rachel on Friends - it made me smile) and he did lots of peeking at my eyes - and said everything looked fine, so I didn't need the other glaucoma tests. So all that rationalizing for nothing! What a waste of good brain time.
I amazed my husband by then running 5 errands in an hour and still getting to pick up our son on time. He's one of those folks that just doesn't multi-task well - he does one job at a time and granted, he does it well, but it still drives me crazy some days.
At 6:09 AM,
Scooter said…
I think you could have scheduled a visit to a doc to see about Lasik and they might have mapped your eye for free. I've had a few coworkers go visit Keith Carlson over at HealthPartners (ooo...I sound like spam!) and they now do full eye mapping with the three-dee in-color eyeball pictures.
At 4:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
What kind of gift baskets were they offering next door to the eye clinc? If it was a place where you could have gotten a gift basket including packages of bacon (mind you, this would be on my list of options if I ran a gift basket store), you could have REALLY blown Dan away with your adeptness at running errands by bringing him a gift basket replete with one of the most perfect of foods! And it wouldn't have even cost you any extra time; order gift basket, go to eye doctor, and pick up basket on your way out. Voila!
At 7:32 PM,
Kate said…
The eye doc DID actually mention lasik. I told him I get wiggy thinking about anyone messing with my eyes. Maybe someday.
Didn't go into the basket shop - but there's a great idea for a new venture - MAN baskets. Those places always have the froo-froo junk in the baskets - they should have manly ones with tools, beer, any kind of meat, and if you really want to do it right, porn! We'd make a fortune!
At 5:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm game on the basket shop idea if you are - I think it's a vast market with lots of untapped potential! How many guys get baskets of anything from anyone? Not many would be my snap judgement. Yet it would seem they need baskets of stuff just as much as anyone else. We just have to find the right way to market it. Additionally, this could be the flip side of your cookie business, as I think they would each have somewhat distinct busy seasons.
Cha-ching baby!!
At 8:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe you haven't been anywhere besides the eye doctor in the last seven weeks. I know that can't be the case, since you were charged with dirtying up mine (and others) hands at the Great Minnesota Get Together a few weeks ago :) No matter how much I wash, my hands won't stop glowing...
At 7:24 AM,
Scooter said…
I agree with Kyle - the only thing you've been doing is visiting the eye doctor...how am I supposed to hear news about your family while I'm in Tucson?
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