It was darn hot this weekend! Of course it looked pretty hot across the ENTIRE country - 90's and 100's everywhere you looked. But hey, global warming isn't real - just something made up by those darn tree-huggers. Dan was telling me about an article he read regarding scientists doing research on vines to see if they can get rid of carbon dioxide and help us keep the planet from burning up. Apparently, when scientists fed straight CO2 to the vines (including poison ivy), they went nuts and grew like crazy. So there's our choice - roast like chickens or live in a world of vines and poison ivy. We could all be like Uma Thurman in that batman movie. Maybe the government would pay us to have a vine farm.....
I actually went to work on Saturday for a few hours - sucks, I know, but I have to say - I go into work on the weekends far, far, far less with this job than when I worked at Regions. Actually, it was nice to be able to work on some things with minimum disruption.
But I have a question for the miniscule number of people who read my blog - if you went to the urgent care for low back pain, would you want the doctor to give you the option of getting up to see your xrays or allowing you to stay seated & have him explain what he saw? I was in my office and heard a patient saying "ow, ow, ow" in the room when someone was checking him and later, the doctor went in the room and I heard him say - let's go look at your xrays. Patient had to get up and go around the corner, stand there and listen to the doctor explain what he saw. Call me a wimp, but if my back hurts enough to go into the urgent care on a Saturday afternoon when it's pushing 100 degrees, I don't want to have to stand around and listen to the doctor explain my xrays. Just tell me what's broken and what I need to do to fix it.
I'm obsessed with providing the best experience for patients, so I'm thinking it would have been better for the doctor to say - the xray viewbox is just around the corner from your room. Would you like to get up and take a look or would you be more comfortable staying here and I'll tell you what I see? Any comments???
Anyway - rest of the weekend was nice. We hung out on Saturday night with the Scooter/Poo-Tee-Weet clan (and Kyle too!) and today we did the usual chores and my folks came to visit for awhile. They went to dinner with my aunt & uncle at Kincaids (LUCKY!), so to make us feel posh as well, I bought some steaks from Kowalski's for dinner. I thought it might be better cuts of meat - Dan said I shouldn't buy steak from Cub anymore - yuck! But while he said I cooked it perfectly, it still didn't have the taste he remembered from childhood. So next time around I'll buy organic beef. We'll see if the "natural" stuff will make him happier.
I actually went to work on Saturday for a few hours - sucks, I know, but I have to say - I go into work on the weekends far, far, far less with this job than when I worked at Regions. Actually, it was nice to be able to work on some things with minimum disruption.
But I have a question for the miniscule number of people who read my blog - if you went to the urgent care for low back pain, would you want the doctor to give you the option of getting up to see your xrays or allowing you to stay seated & have him explain what he saw? I was in my office and heard a patient saying "ow, ow, ow" in the room when someone was checking him and later, the doctor went in the room and I heard him say - let's go look at your xrays. Patient had to get up and go around the corner, stand there and listen to the doctor explain what he saw. Call me a wimp, but if my back hurts enough to go into the urgent care on a Saturday afternoon when it's pushing 100 degrees, I don't want to have to stand around and listen to the doctor explain my xrays. Just tell me what's broken and what I need to do to fix it.
I'm obsessed with providing the best experience for patients, so I'm thinking it would have been better for the doctor to say - the xray viewbox is just around the corner from your room. Would you like to get up and take a look or would you be more comfortable staying here and I'll tell you what I see? Any comments???
Anyway - rest of the weekend was nice. We hung out on Saturday night with the Scooter/Poo-Tee-Weet clan (and Kyle too!) and today we did the usual chores and my folks came to visit for awhile. They went to dinner with my aunt & uncle at Kincaids (LUCKY!), so to make us feel posh as well, I bought some steaks from Kowalski's for dinner. I thought it might be better cuts of meat - Dan said I shouldn't buy steak from Cub anymore - yuck! But while he said I cooked it perfectly, it still didn't have the taste he remembered from childhood. So next time around I'll buy organic beef. We'll see if the "natural" stuff will make him happier.
At 2:35 PM,
LissyJo said…
Must 'a been a doc.
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