Hello Again
Holy smokes - it's been AGES since I've blogged! Seems working full time, having a toddler-husband-dog-house, and going to school doesn't leave much free time. Amazing, isn't it?
Two weeks left of class - one major paper due on Wednesday (taking a break right now) and then a "final" the next week. Definitely NOT taking a class next semester....I need a break.
Lots going on at work, Dan is busy at work and Conner moved to the preschool room. Trying to get pregnant - I'm sure the stress and not seeing each other much isn't helping.
Digital camera is broken, so no new pics. Waiting until holiday sales really pick up. :-)
Back to work....
Two weeks left of class - one major paper due on Wednesday (taking a break right now) and then a "final" the next week. Definitely NOT taking a class next semester....I need a break.
Lots going on at work, Dan is busy at work and Conner moved to the preschool room. Trying to get pregnant - I'm sure the stress and not seeing each other much isn't helping.
Digital camera is broken, so no new pics. Waiting until holiday sales really pick up. :-)
Back to work....
At 9:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:39 AM,
Beth said…
Hey there, Kate. I found your blog last night as I was trying to create a new blog. You have the blog name I was trying for, and hey, with good reason, having a dream to open a bakery some day. Me too! Given that I'm a writer as well as a baker, I tweaked by blog's name a bit and created The Cookie Queen's English ( http://thecookiequeensenglish.blogspot.com/ ). We're like kindred cookie spirits, you and me. I have you bookmarked. I'll check back for cookie updates.
At 5:09 AM,
Kate said…
For scooter and Kyle - why Hmmm?
And to Beth - hey there! Nice to meet you via the blog! I'll check yours as well!
At 1:31 PM,
LissyJo said…
I don't get the 'hmm' joke either. Apparently for people like you and me, stress is a major barrier to making babies, but for people like i took care of at the hospital last w/e, it's no matter. Stooopid people are much more fertile--i swear it!
At 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Scott just said "Hmm....", so I asked, "Hmm?" because I wondered why he responded to your post with "Hmm....". No joke intended - I was just trying to figure out what he was pondering...
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