Cookie Queen

Saturday, December 16, 2006

A new version of an old favorite?

I think the teachers at Conner's daycare were getting desperate for something to entertain the kids with yesterday. As we were leaving, one of the teachers said "Conner - make sure you sing the Rudolph song for mom in the car". I was thinking - isn't that nice, they taught him Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. So on the way home he sang it for me. He continued singing it for most of the night - we have it on video for anyone who is interested.

It's not EXACTLY the traditional version: it goes something like this:

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose - like a light-bulb!
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose - like pinocchio!
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose - like Applebees!
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose - like George Washington!

After each line, Conner would laugh more hysterically. Especially after the George Washington line. We're not entirely sure how Applebees and George Washington relate to Rudolph's red nose, but it was fun to watch him sing it!

Another Class Done!

At last, I am done with my latest class - final was on Wednesday. Whew! and Woo-hoo! I think that was the longest one so far - at least it seemed like it! I want to go back to the quarter system - if you have a hard class, this whole semester thing is WAY too long.

I was reading another blog by a friend who is also in school and is done for the semester - she talked about how her family apparently loves school, because they have masters degrees all over the place. Lately, when I tell coworkers I am in school, they ask if it's for my (initial) masters degree. When I tell them I already have one and this will be another, they look at me like I have 4 heads. Then they put on an that pseudo-interested face and make a comment like - oh, isn't that great? But I know they are wondering what's wrong with me! Guess I'm one of those folks who really believes in life-long learning. And if you aren't thrilled with your current job, go back to school for something you like!

We had some drama right before the final - our professor gave us a list of 9 questions the week before and said she would choose 4 of the questions to put on the final and we could choose 2 of the 4 to answer. Then there would be (1) 10 point question that wasn't on the list of 9. So, not bad, I reviewed the notes and articles and books and answered all 9 questions and studied from that. She also said we could bring in a copy of the table of contents from our book o' articles (she is the queen of citing, so this would help us remember the 5 million author's names while taking the test) and we could use the back to jot down our notes prior to answering the questions. Sounds straight-forward right? WRONG!

Several of my classmates interpreted this as "You can bring one page of notes into the test". (HUH??) The professor sent out an email a few hours beforehand (which I did not see) saying nope, that's not what I said. So several folks were really ticked off. One girl actually said to me (angrily) - "I'm so mad! Do you really think she can go through with giving this test?" I replied, "Yes" and then said something about how I never heard anything about being able to bring notes to class. She decided to move on to someone else who might be more sympathetic to her cause. It was an interesting example of how people hear exactly what they want to hear in stressful situations.

So the professor handed out the final, answers to two of the questions popped immediately into my brain, so I whipped out a page on each and was done within an hour.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Hello Again

Holy smokes - it's been AGES since I've blogged! Seems working full time, having a toddler-husband-dog-house, and going to school doesn't leave much free time. Amazing, isn't it?

Two weeks left of class - one major paper due on Wednesday (taking a break right now) and then a "final" the next week. Definitely NOT taking a class next semester....I need a break.

Lots going on at work, Dan is busy at work and Conner moved to the preschool room. Trying to get pregnant - I'm sure the stress and not seeing each other much isn't helping.

Digital camera is broken, so no new pics. Waiting until holiday sales really pick up. :-)

Back to work....